Back to Barheim Passage

After events in Barheim Passage, you can return to this from other entrance in
Dalmasca Eastersand. Reasons of going back to Barheim Passage are side quests
and esper/summon, as well as some great treasures. All you need is just the
Barheim Key. To get Barheim Key follow the steps below...

7a-3-1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
< Starting >

- Clear Flower Saboten and Nidhogg Mob Hunt missions (rank E/rank I), so you
should have Great Serpentskin, if you keep this loot/treasure to clear this
quest, you do have a chance to get extra reward. Without it, you still able
to get Barheim Key, read below.
- After got your reward of Flower Saboten mission from Dantro (your client),
talk to him again in Dalmasca Estersand and he will request you to pass the
flower to his wife.

- Now go to South Bank Village where you can find the Dalmasca Estersand
Gate Crystal. Talk to Dantro's wife to get Bundle of Needles (treasure).
- Leave and return this area, talk to the people near the river and the boy
named Tchigri, then choose first option to North Bank Village.
- Talk to Tchigri for some events, then will back to South Bank Village.
- Now speak with Dantro's wife again, then search behind her camp for the
red flower, examine it, a flower saboten will follow you.
- Speak with the boy, Tchigri to go North Bank Village again.
- Get close to the giant flower saboten, watch a scene. The flower saboten
left you 1000 gil and Wyrmfire Shot.

7a-3-2. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
< Choosing an Extra Reward >

Ok, let see the how are the possible rewards being affected
before going for the loot that will Dantro's Wife request.

First of all, the requested loot/treasure by Dantro's Wife for
the Recovering Traveler can recover a little HP (not yours!),
and the extra reward is based on the Recovering Traveler's HP
when the quest is end. Below is the list of them

Loots that will Amount of HP
Dantro's Wife recovered by The Maximum and
request for the this loot Minimum amount of
Recovering Traveler | this loot you need
\ | / |
\ | / |
| Loot Needed | HP. | Max | Min |
| Semclam Shell | + 1 | 5 | 1 |
| Nebralim | + 1 | 2 | 1 |
| Valeblossom Dew | + 1 | 3 | 1 |
| Great Serpentskin | + 3 | 1 | 0 |

After all, the Recovery Traveler show out and give you the extra reward
depending on the treasures/loots that you gave Dantro's Wife during the
quest. And below is the list of the rewards accordingly.

Extra reward that The total HP of The Recovering Traveler
comes with the Recovering Traveler who show in the end.
Barheim Key when the quest end /
\ | /
\ | /
| Rewards | Total HP | NPC |
| Balance Mote | 3 ~ 7 | Bangaa |
| Magick Gloves | 8 ~ 12 | Hume |
| Golden Armlet | 13 (max) | Moogle |

7a-3-3. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
< Collecting Loot for Extra Reward >

Back to the quest:

Semclam Shell (max = 5)
- Talk to Dantro's Wife in South Bank Village, she will request the
Semclam Shells. You can find 5 of it.
- Search the shore and check the shinning thing for the Semclam Shells.
- Some more are around the Banks of the Nebra section, near the shore as well.
- Pass the Semclam Shells to Dantro's Wife once you got the amount you want.
- Afterwards, she will request for the Nebralim.

Nebralim (max = 2)
- Return to the Outpost section and talk to Dantro. Same place, find the
boxes in the central, check the jars there for Nebralim, another one is the
jar behind the chocobo, pass them to Dantro's Wife also.
- Now Dantro's Wife request the Valeblossom Dew, which can be found in the
Broken Sands section.

Valeblossom Dew (max = 3)
- Talk to Tchigri and move to Northern most section of Dalmasca Estersand,
find the flowers in the valley. One of them is in the middle of the section,
beside the rock which you can push down, examine it to get Valeblossom Dew.
You can find 3 Valeblossom Dews here.
- Back to South of River and give the Valeblossom Dew to Dantro's Wife.

Giving the Great Serpentskin
- And now Dantro's Wife will ask for the Great Serpentskin, give her as
you choice of the extra reward, of cause you can refuse to pass it over.
Check the section above (7a-3-2).

Barheim Key and Extra Reward
- Leave here for awhile and return. Speak to the Recovering Traveler, she's
behind the camp where Dantro's Wife is, and the Recovering Traveler will
give you the Barheim Key with the extra reward depending on how many
Semclam Shell, Valeblossom Dew, Nebralim or Great Serpentskin you gave
Dantro's Wife.

From the Dalmasca Eastersand Gate Crystal, go South, then turn to South-East,
there is a small area, use your Barheim Key to unlock that door can back to
Barheim Passage now.


  1. it wont let me get in through the estersand and my teleport crystal wont let me teleport there, how do i get in?

  2. did u have finished all quest, until the man that dantro's wife takecare is recovery?
    do u have a barheim key in your inventory ?
