Showing posts with label Hidden Esper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hidden Esper. Show all posts

Exodus/Ex-Death - the Judge-Sal

Mist Lv : 2LP Cost : 50Zodiac : LibraElement : noneLocation : The Mosphoran Highwaste#Limit Break - Meteor .--------- Esper Stats ---------.--- Lv to challenge ---. | Lv: 46 Atk: 97                       ...

Chaos - Walker of the Wheel

Mist Lv : 3LP Cost : 90Zodiac : TaurusElement : MultiLocation : Necrohol Of NabudisBefore you can fight Chaos, you have to go through some little quests and get the apppointed keys. First of all, go Nabreus Deadlands to trigger the scene with Ma'Kleou. Afterwards, you need to...

Adrammelech - the Wroth

Mist Lv : 1LP Cost : 25Zodiac : CapricornElement : ThunderLocation : The Zertinan Cavern#Limit Break - Judgement Bolt.--------- Esper Stats ---------.--- Lv to challenge ---. | Lv: 39 Atk: 63                         ...

Zodiac/Elidibus - The King Of Commandment

Mist Lv : 3LP Cost : 200Zodiac : SerpentariusElement : DarkLocation : Henne Mines#Limit Break - Last Eclipse .--------- Esper Stats ---------.--- Lv to challenge ---. | Lv: 66 Atk: 201                       |...

Zeromus - Convicted Tyrant

Mist Lv : 2LP Cost : 50Zodiac : CancerElement : GravityLocation : The Stilshrine Of Miriam#Limit Break - Big Bang .--------- Esper Stats ---------.--- Lv to challenge ---. | Lv: 51 Atk: 103                      |...

Zalera - the Death Seraph

Mist Lv : 1LP Cost : 25Zodiac : GeminiElement : DeathLocation : Barheim Passage#Limit Break - Condemation .--------- Esper Stats ---------.--- Lv to challenge ---. | Lv: 40 Atk: 62                         |...

Ultima - the High Seraph

Mist Lv : 3LP Cost : 90Zodiac : VirgoElement : HolyLocation : Crystal Grande/The Great Crystal#Limit Break - Perfect Ultima/Eschaton .--------- Esper Stats ---------.--- Lv to challenge ---. | Lv: 63 Atk: 147                         |...

Queklain/Cuchulainn - the Impure

Mist Lv : 2LP Cost : 50Zodiac : ScorpioElement : PoisonLocation : Garamsythe Waterway#Limit Break - Blight .--------- Esper Stats ---------.--- Lv to challenge ---. | Lv: 45 Atk: 83                         |...