Showing posts with label Weapon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weapon. Show all posts


In Special Op. Sector 5, which is west of the Gate Crystal, run past theSilicon Tortoise and keep going until you see a rock on the right side of thetracks. On the far side of that rock there will be a chest. If there are twoof them, the silver-looking one is Ithuno. If the silver chest is not there,reload your game. Examine the silver chest to provoke...

Zodiac Spears (Chest)

Run through Mosphoran and into the Salikawood. Head straight forthe Gate Crystal at Quietened Trace. Save your game. The Bomb King is onescreen away from you. Put on your game face and head north. The Bomb King willstart out with some minions, so get rid of those first. However, once you'vedone so, pull back out to the crystal. The little ones won't...


Head to the Tomb of Raithwall. Kill both Demon Walls. They should be easy withyour equipment. Activate the side stairs in the area of the first Demon Wall byexamining the area where the Demon Wall was and then save your game outside atthe Gate Crystal. Time for another weapon.Now take those stairs you opened up all the way to the back. Once you reachRoyal...


Kotetsu~~~~~~~Stats: +50 katanaMethod: Rare drop from Werewolf - Giza Plains, Starfall FieldsSave your game at Giza Plains, Crystal Glade. Head west and you'll findtwo Werewolves stalking around in the southwestern corner. They are weak to wind.Perfect! Go to town on them with your Gladius. You can chain them by heading twoscreens east (don't touch...

Durandal (Sword)

= Leshach Halcyon x1     - Drops or Steal from Leshach Halcyon - Paramina Rift, snowstorm, central North section or        West section where connecting to Feywood.= Emperor Scale x2    - Drops from Archaeoaevis - Zertinan Cavern, central...

Ultima Blade (Great Sword)

= Death Powder x2     - Drops or Poach Bogey - Zertinan Cavern, second section from West.     - Steal from Ahriman boss - Sochen Cave Palace.     - Poach rare monster No.22 - Tomb of Raithwall.= Gnome Halcyon x1    - Drops or Steal from Gnome Entite - Dalmasca Westersand...

Sagittarius (Bow)

= Sagittarius Gem x4     - Reward from Hunt Club owner in Archades after collectin 15 Engage/Trophy Items from rare monster.     - Drops from Hecteyes - Draklor Laboratory.     - Henne Mines, East hidden section, the road to secret Esper Zodiac.     -...

Gladius (For Early Leveling)

Stats: +45 dagger, Windstrike Method: Steal from Lindbur Wolf - Dalmasca Westersand, Shimmering HorizonsChain more than 20 Wolves in the Westersand and head to Shimmering Horizons.  Lindbur Wolf will be here with a few lackeys. Equip the Leather Shield.  Repeatedly cast Blind on the Lindbur Wolf until it connects. It should almost never be...

The Wyrmhero Blade (The Best Sword)

The 'best' sword in the game, but more of a slower, more powerful Excalibur.This is pretty much a trophy and won't be used much if you get it, since it hasthe slowest attack rate of anything in the game. Anyway, it is:Sword (2H)                     Element:...

The Masamune (Strongest Katana in the Game)

The Masamune is the best Samurai Katana you can get in the game. It is really goodand in addition to crazy damage, it has a 40% combo rate! And 70% if you use itspartner, the Genji Gloves! So, the Masamune is:Katana (2H)            Element: noneAttack: 93               Combo...

Tournesol (Greatsword)

|= Serpentarius x3 |- Reward from Montblanc after collecting all 13 Espers. |- Steal from Zodiac Esper - Henne Mines. |- Trade with High Arcana x1, Snake Skin x4, Serpent Eye x2. | |== High Arcana | - With the Canopic Jar, you could get it from many rare monster. | - Trade with Arcana x10, Feystone x1, Soul Of Thamasa x1. | | |...