NAME : Vaan |---------------------------------------------------------------
Age : 17 A lighthearted hero who lost his parents, dreams of a
Gender : Male day become an airship captain and having his own airship.
Race : Hume He sets out from his home in the heart of Dalmasca to
become a sky pirate. He looks on the future with an
air of hope.
Character Growth: HP [OOOOOOOO--]
MP [OOOOO-----]
NAME : Penelo |-------------------------------------------------------------
She's lost her family in the recent war, lives among
Age : 16 the same bustling streets as Vaan. Though a talented
Gender : Female singer and dancer, she is no stranger to battle, having
Race : Hume learned to fight from her brothers, who once belonged to
an order of knights. She overcomes any obstacles in her
way and exihibis strength of character in all she does.
Character Growth: HP [OO--------]
Str [OO--------]
Spd [OOOOOO----]
NAME : Ashe |---------------------------------------------------------------
Age : 19 She is the daughter of Dalmasca King who dies in the war.
Gender : Female Her whereabouts since the Archadian invasion are unknown.
Race : Hume The rightful heir to the Dalmascan throne, she also leads
the resistance, hope to bring peace back the kingdom again.
Character Growth: HP [OOO-------]
Str [OOOOO-----]
Vit [OOOOOO----]
Spd [OOOOOO----]
NAME : Balthier |-----------------------------------------------------------
Age : 22 A man without a country, he nevertheless is a sky pirate
Gender : Male with a code, stealing only from the wicked. Always with
Race : Hume Fran as his partner since long time ago. He is neutral
when it comes to the war.
Character Growth: HP [OOOOOOO---]
MP [OOO-------]
Mag [OO--------]
Vit [OOOOOOO---]
NAME : Fran |---------------------------------------------------------------
Age : ? One of the Viera warrior who good in bow skill. She is
Gender : Female possessed of superior wisdom and stamina, also excels
Race : Viera as an archer and plays an active part in maintaining the
airship. A long time partner of Balflear.
Character Growth: HP [OOOOO-----]
Str [OOOO------]
Mag [OOOOOOO---]
Vit [OOOOO-----]
Spd [OOOOOO----]
NAME : Basch |--------------------------------------------------------------
Age : 36 A former general of Dalmasca kingdom who has been
Gender : Male victorious in numerous battles, he is a hero with a strict
Race : Hume sense of justice. However, during the arbitration ceremony
with the Arcadian Empire, he murders the King of Dalmasca.
Find out the reason in the game...
Character Growth: HP [OOOOOOOOOO]
MP [OO--------]
Mag [OOOOOO----]
Vit [OOO-------]
Spd [OOOOO-----]
a) Each chr can learn up to three Quickenings by acquiring respective licenses
on License Board. Once a Quickening slot is acquired, it disappears from other
chrs' License Boards.
1 | Northswain's Glow | Feral Strike | Intercession
2 | Heaven's Wrath | Whip Kick | Evanescence
3 | Maelstorm's Bolt | Shatterheart | Resplendence
1 | Red Spiral | Fires of War | Fulminating Darkness
2 | White Whorl | Tides of Fate | Ruin Impendent
3 | Pyroclasm | Element of Treachery | Flame Purge
b) Level 1 Quickening requires 1 Mist Charge.
Level 2 Quickening requires 2 Mist Charges.
Level 3 Quickening requires 3 Mist Charges.
c) While you are doing first hit, you will always have 4 secs on game clock.
The amount of time you spend inputing the command is halved, and this time is
added to remaining time left, and so on.
- You have 4 secs on timer, and need 1 second to make an input.
- Remaining time left is 3 seconds.
- Game halves that second, which makes 0,5 second left.
- 0,5 second gets added to remaining time left.
- You now have 3,5 secs on timer to make your next command.
d) If chr has at least one mist bar expended, he or she may get the option for
'Mist Charge' to appear when you press R2 button to shuffle between possible
command inputs. The chance is based on amount of chrs in your active party.
- if solo : 1/6
- if 2 chrs: 1/7
- if 3 chrs: 1/8
e) All Quickies deal *physical* damage.
f) When Quickening command is chosen, its CT is zero (0).
g) Quickie's level dictates its attack power (POW).
Lv1 Quickie: 90 POW
Lv2 Quickie: 140 POW
Lv3 Quickie: 230 POW
h) Damage formula for Quickie is:
i) Concurrences are attacks that occur if enough Quickies has been performed
beforehand. They are as follows:
- Black Hole : 253 POW
- Luminescence: 251 POW
- Ark Blast : 205 POW
- White Out : 175 POW
- Windburst : 155 POW
- Torrent : 130 POW
- Cataclysm : 110 POW
- Inferno : 90 POW
j) Concurrence only happens if you perform say enough lv1 Quickies. Amount
needed is as follows:
- Black Hole : 4x lv1, 4x lv2, 4x lv3
- Luminescence: 3x lv1, 3x lv2, 3x lv3
- Ark Blast : 2x lv1, 2x lv2, 2x lv3
- White Out : 5x lv3
- Windburst : 5x lv2
- Torrent : 2x lv1, 3x lv2
- Cataclysm : 7x lv1
- Inferno : 3x lv1
l) Damage formula for Concurrence is:
a) Weapons that can combo are:
Unarmed, 1Hsword, 2Hsword, spear, pole, mace, katana, axe, hammer, dagger,
ninja sword.
b) Weapons that can score critical hits are:
Bowgun, bow, gun, measure.
c) Weapons that cannot combo or score criticals are:
Rod, staff, handbomb.
d) Chart showing combo probability:
Hit # | HP > 25% | 25%< HP <12,5% | 6,25%< HP <12,5% | HP < 6,25%
2 | 40.0% | 14.7% | 1.4% | 0%
3 | 38.2% | 30.8% | 7.5% | 0%
4 | 16.6% | 29.3% | 17.5% | 0.2%
5 | 4.3% | 16.7% | 24.7% | 1.2%
6 | 0.8% | 6.4% | 23.3% | 4.3%
7 | 0% | 1.7% | 15.3% | 10.8%
8 | 0% | 0.3% | 7.2% | 19.2%
9 | 0% | 0% | 2.4% | 24.4%
10 | 0% | 0% | 0.6% | 21.7%
11 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 12.8%
12 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 5.3%
Av.hit| 2.873 | 3.752 | 5.509 | 9.028
So basically you have more chances to start comboing like crazy if your HP is
low. This also explains why you see enemies combo your chrs whole lot more when
in critical condition.
e) When Genji Gloves accessory is equipped, weapon's chances (in %) for
comboing is multiplied by (1,8). Without Genji Gloves the multiplicator becomes
(0,7). Weapon's comboing chances will be added to Equipment section.
f) Enemies can combo when doing regular attacks, but what you may not have
known is that they can also combo some of their skill attacks. The difference
is that you will not see any 'hit' indicator coming up, and the enemy can keep
doing it up to its maximum capacity. So for example, if you have an enemy that
can combo a regular attack of up to 6hits with 20% chance, this enemy also has
20% chance to hit you up to six times with the skill attack. These are:
- Gnaw
- Kick
- Rush
- Ram
- Lunge
- Poke
- Divine Sword
- Rake
- Slap
a) Critical hit : DMG x 2
damage given
b) Berserk : DMG x 1,5
damage given
c) Bravery : DMG x 1,3
damage given
d) Petrify : (DMG x 0,1 x time left)
damage received & damage given
e) Oil : Fire DMG x 3
damage received
f) Sleep : DMG x 1,5
damage received
g) Protect : DMG x 0,75
damage received
h) Focus : DMG x 1,2
damage given
i) Adrenaline : DMG x 2
damage given
j) Last Stand : DMG x 0,5
damage received by you
DMG x 0,66
damage received by enemy
k) Weapon element : DMG x 1,5
damage given
l) Element weakness : DMG x 2
damage received
m) Element resistance: DMG x 0,5
damage received
n) Element immunity : DMG x 0
damage received
o) Element absorption: DMG x 1 (HP recovery)
damage received