Showing posts with label Batle Info. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Batle Info. Show all posts

The Forgotten Grimoires

- 18000 gil -> Hunter's Monograph, enhances loot from beasts/avions Speak with Gatsly in the Muthru Bazaar after completing the Thextera hunt.- 19000 gil -> Knight's Monograph, enhances loot from giants/insects Talk to any weapon merchant more than 30 times.- 20000 gil -> Warmage's Monograph, enhances loot from amorphs/undead Read the hunt...

Character Growing

--------------- NAME : Vaan |------------------------------------------------------------------------------Age : 17 A lighthearted hero who lost his parents, dreams of aGender : Male day become an airship captain and having his own airship.Race : Hume He sets out from his home in the heart of Dalmasca to become...


a) Each chr can learn up to three Quickenings by acquiring respective licenseson License Board. Once a Quickening slot is acquired, it disappears from otherchrs' License Boards.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASHE | FRAN | PENELO-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1...


a) Weapons that can combo are: Unarmed, 1Hsword, 2Hsword, spear, pole, mace, katana, axe, hammer, dagger, ninja sword.b) Weapons that can score critical hits are: Bowgun, bow, gun, measure.c) Weapons that cannot combo or score criticals are: Rod, staff, handbomb.d) Chart showing combo probability:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hit...


a) Critical hit : DMG x 2 damage givenb) Berserk : DMG x 1,5 damage givenc) Bravery : DMG x 1,3 damage givend) Petrify : (DMG x 0,1 x time left) damage received & damage givene) Oil : Fire DMG x 3 ...


a) When 'Unarmed': When 'Unarmed' with Brawler license learned:b) When armed with 1Hsword, 2Hsword, spear, bowgun or rod: - exceptions are Healing Rod and Rod of Faithc) When armed with pole: d) When armed with mace: e) When armed with katana or staff: f) When armed with axe, hammer or hand-bomb: g) When armed with dagger, ninja sword or bow:...