The Barheim Passage

Run down and go into the right room to get some gil. A Save Crystal is inthe other corner. Now head to the tower and examine the switch, Balthiertells you to get an energy source to active it. Talk to the Bangaa at thebottom to get a Fuse Tube, now you can active the switch. Press the switchat the tower and another near the Bangaa to open the gate....

The Nalbina Dungeons

Currently you have lost all your inventory, but will get them back soon. Searcharound this place for some items before leaving, use the Save Crystal near theexit. Afterwards, defeat three Seeq enemies by using Vaan and Balthier. Franrejoins party after this battle.Next area, you will get your items back as well as the map before the SaveCrystal. Don't...