Back to Barheim Passage

After events in Barheim Passage, you can return to this from other entrance inDalmasca Eastersand. Reasons of going back to Barheim Passage are side questsand esper/summon, as well as some great treasures. All you need is just theBarheim Key. To get Barheim Key follow the steps below...7a-3-1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<...

80 Rare Monsters

--------------------< Starting & Basic >--------------------When tory reached to Port At Balfonheim before anything starts. Go back toThe Phon Coast. same section with the Gate Crystal, talk to the Bangaa captainknown as huntmaster in front of the cabin that's near the...

Balfonheim Race

---------< About >---------It's a Mini-game as well. During the race, keep pressing 'Circle' and 'X'buttons to run. 'Circle' works to turn your character to right and 'X' worksto turn your character to left while running. You must reach to the end pointof the race by using the combination of 'Circle' and 'X' buttons. Also you mustget the first...

Cockatrice Find

Before anything about this quest, you must get:- Story reaches to Imperial City of Archades.- Completely clear Cluckatrice/Niwatoris rank E Mob/Mark Hunt.- Clear Gil Snapper/Gilgame rank C Mob/Mark Hunt mission.- Find the Feather Of The Flock in the South-East section where you foughtGil...


This quest start from the Airship, the Cabin Chief in the the Lounge. When you're able to travel with Airship, you could have a chance to meet with a man in the Airship Lounge, he's talking with the Cabin Chief in the counter. /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable...

Garamsythe Waterway

Dire Rat Ghost Ichthon Steeling Lv : 1-4 Lv : 5-6 Lv : 3-4 Lv : 2-3 HP : 62-112 HP : 324-334 HP : 130-141 HP : 94-110 Weak : Water Weak : Holy Weak : Thunder Weak : Earth Drop/Steal Drop/Steal Drop/Steal Drop/Steal...

The Royal Palace Of Rabanastre

Save Crystal is just right behind you. Hit the golden statue/urn for the map. Start from now, DON'T touch that treasure chest on the right, one of the two chests there hiding an Elixir, do not open it if you want 'Strongest Halberd/ Zodiac Spear' weapon easily later of the game. For more details about this weapon, read the "11. Weapons" section....

Garamsythe Waterway

Dire Rat Ichthon Steeling Lv : 1-4 Lv : 3-4 Lv : 2-3 HP : 62-112 HP : 130-141 HP : 94-110 Weak : Water Weak : Thunder Weak : Earth Drop/Steal Drop/Steal Drop/Steal - Antidote - Eye Drops - Antidote - Fire Stone ...


Penelo will leave the party before you entering Dalan's Place. You will obtain a key item, the Crescent Stone after speaking with Dalan. Now move to the Northern area which is the Storehouse 5. Remember the chest in front of Dalan's Place is the chest that you're NOT supposed to open, or else you'll lose an easy chance to obtain one of the strongest...

Royal City Of Rabanastre

Use the circle wall gate to Downtown/Lowt...

Giza Plains

Giza Rabbit Hyena Slaven Urstrix Lv : 1-2 Lv : 2-3 Lv : 4-5 Lv : 3-4 HP : 70-105 HP : 95-115 HP : 280-302 HP : 170-190 Weak : Fire Weak : Water Weak : Wind Weak : Wind Drop/Steal Drop/Steal Drop/Steal Drop/Steal...


Reach to Southern area here, enter Old Dalan's Place near the water way. Don'topen the treasure chest in front of this room, it has some connections with a weapon called 'Strongest Halberd' which you can obtain it later. More details about this weapon, read the "Weapons" section, it's call Zodiac Spear on the US version. After the scene with Dalan,...

Royal City Of Rabanastre

Back to Rabanastre Eastgate and talk to the Kytes. After the scene, you came to North End, just go forward until the Stairwell to Downtown (named Lowtown for American version) at East and enter. Before that, you can find your Tomaj in The Sandsea for reward, but you could find him later, he will still give you the rewar...

Dalmasca Estersand

Cactoid WildSaurian Wolf Lv : 1-4 Lv : 29-34 Lv : 2-9 HP : 72-224 HP : 6001-6551 HP : 94-155 Weak : Wind Weak : Wind Weak : Earth Drop/Steal Drop/Steal Drop/Steal...

Royal City Of Rabanastre

Dire Rat Lv : 1 HP : 60The "Equip" is added in the Party Menu, but so far you don't have otherequipment to change to. Starting out in the pool, you have to defeat allrats around to trigger an event. Afterwards, "World Map" is added in theParty Menu, and you will come to the street. From current section, go toSouth-East area for an event. Next head...

Barheim Treasure Map

Thanks to goldeneye86 and spirit_guy_25 for their contributions hereBy the way, you can get additional Franciscas from Mimeos (rare drop), as well as Gigas Hats (+38 Magick Defense, +530 HP) as rare steals from Dead Bones enemi...


In Special Op. Sector 5, which is west of the Gate Crystal, run past theSilicon Tortoise and keep going until you see a rock on the right side of thetracks. On the far side of that rock there will be a chest. If there are twoof them, the silver-looking one is Ithuno. If the silver chest is not there,reload your game. Examine the silver chest to provoke...

The Forgotten Grimoires

- 18000 gil -> Hunter's Monograph, enhances loot from beasts/avions Speak with Gatsly in the Muthru Bazaar after completing the Thextera hunt.- 19000 gil -> Knight's Monograph, enhances loot from giants/insects Talk to any weapon merchant more than 30 times.- 20000 gil -> Warmage's Monograph, enhances loot from amorphs/undead Read the hunt...

Zodiac Spears (Chest)

Run through Mosphoran and into the Salikawood. Head straight forthe Gate Crystal at Quietened Trace. Save your game. The Bomb King is onescreen away from you. Put on your game face and head north. The Bomb King willstart out with some minions, so get rid of those first. However, once you'vedone so, pull back out to the crystal. The little ones won't...


Head to the Tomb of Raithwall. Kill both Demon Walls. They should be easy withyour equipment. Activate the side stairs in the area of the first Demon Wall byexamining the area where the Demon Wall was and then save your game outside atthe Gate Crystal. Time for another weapon.Now take those stairs you opened up all the way to the back. Once you reachRoyal...


Kotetsu~~~~~~~Stats: +50 katanaMethod: Rare drop from Werewolf - Giza Plains, Starfall FieldsSave your game at Giza Plains, Crystal Glade. Head west and you'll findtwo Werewolves stalking around in the southwestern corner. They are weak to wind.Perfect! Go to town on them with your Gladius. You can chain them by heading twoscreens east (don't touch...


BOSS : YiazmatHP : around 50,000,000The last Mob Hunt mission, it's located in Ridorana Cataract, the round section at South where knowing as Colosseum. You must complete all other Mob Hunt mission and defeat Hell Wyrm/Majinryuu optional boss, then back to Clan HQ and talk to Montblanc...

Bomb King

BOSS : Bomb KingHP : 37596From the Gate Crystal of Salikawood, go North will encounter this boss.Some mini bombs join with the boss, beware of their self-destruction, but you can kill them before they explode. Remember to cure oil status before the boss flame you. It will fully restore its HP when it left around half of the life bar, before it restore...

Earth Tyrant/Earth Dragon

BOSS : Earth Tyrant/Earth DragonHP : 71,000After passed the event in Tomb Of Raithwall, back to Dalmasca Westersand, go to North-East, you will see a dragon going through the sand storm. Now:- Back to Westgate of Rabanastre City, talk to the bangaa Rimzat.- Still in Rabanastre City, head to the central section and talk to Cotze, he is in the fountain.-...


BOSS : FuryHP : around 52,000One of the two bosses that you must fight before gain Chaos esper. For more details about the ways to get this battle, you can look for Chaos - The King Of Reincarnation under "Esper/Summon" section.Dispel all supporting spells whenever Fury recast them. It's not much HP, one Mist Knack/Quickening combo can cut off a...

Shadowseer/Darkness God

BOSS : Shadowseer/Darkness GodHP : 278,078One of the clan's Mob Hunt mission from Monblanc which named 'The Seer'. This mission will show after completing various mob hunt from Clan HQ, it's rank S.When you're handling this mission, back to Pharos at Ridorana after the events.  So now an elevator available in 1F, take it to underground B1F....

Humbaba Boss/Humbaba Mistant

BOSS : Humbaba Boss/Humbaba MistantHP : around 308,000One of the two bosses that you must fight before gain Chaos esper. For more details about the ways to get this battle, you can look for Chaos - King Of Reincarnation under "Esper/Summon" section.Compare to Fury, this boss deals slightly lesser damage for normal attack, but the special skill is...

Durandal (Sword)

= Leshach Halcyon x1     - Drops or Steal from Leshach Halcyon - Paramina Rift, snowstorm, central North section or        West section where connecting to Feywood.= Emperor Scale x2    - Drops from Archaeoaevis - Zertinan Cavern, central...

Ultima Blade (Great Sword)

= Death Powder x2     - Drops or Poach Bogey - Zertinan Cavern, second section from West.     - Steal from Ahriman boss - Sochen Cave Palace.     - Poach rare monster No.22 - Tomb of Raithwall.= Gnome Halcyon x1    - Drops or Steal from Gnome Entite - Dalmasca Westersand...

Sagittarius (Bow)

= Sagittarius Gem x4     - Reward from Hunt Club owner in Archades after collectin 15 Engage/Trophy Items from rare monster.     - Drops from Hecteyes - Draklor Laboratory.     - Henne Mines, East hidden section, the road to secret Esper Zodiac.     -...

New Recruit - Jovy

At the beginning, you can see Jovy is in the West Ward of Nalbina, lying on the ground and says his hero has gone ...Now clear all Mob/Mark Hunt mission that were given by the clients/petitioners in Nalbina, which are:- Atomos ----- by Burrogh ( rank C/III )- Roblon ----- by Morgen ( rank S/VI )- Goliath ---- by Barrong ( rank S/VI )- Deathscythe...

Pilika's Diary

Must clear the Rocktoise Mob/Mark Hunt mission which given by Pilika in Bhujerba SkyCity. After taking your reward from Pilika, speak to her again and she will tell you there was another matter. Agree to help her would be given a Merchant's Armband, now she wants you to find her diary inside the Clio's Technicks.Now head to the technick/skill shop,...

Viera Lover

This event can be triggered after Bur Omisace. In central section of Rabanastre, there's a man who's fall in love with the Viera warrior.Talk to this man by the fountain, knowing that Viera is around.Now go to South Entrance, talk to the Viera there.Move to Northern street, enter...

July, The Female Spy

This event can only happen after Tomb of Raithwall event and before story reaches to Mosphoran Highwaste.- First, head to Nalbina and find two guards who block the way to Mosphoran. Talk to July sitting away in front of them knowing she is undertaking a job, and she wants to end it and back to Archades.- Close to the guards and listen to their discussion....

Bhujerban Madhu

They are the wine bottles in different locations of Bhujerba, obtain and sell them to the appointed NPCs, each Bhujerban Madhu can be sold for 1000 gil. All together are 14 Madhus, that's mean you could have 14000 gil here.You can start to collecting them after Tomb Of Raithwall event. Here are the Bhujerba Madhus location, you could get them randomly,1....