Garamsythe Waterway

Dire Rat Ghost Ichthon Steeling Lv : 1-4 Lv : 5-6 Lv : 3-4 Lv : 2-3 HP : 62-112 HP : 324-334 HP : 130-141 HP : 94-110 Weak : Water Weak : Holy Weak : Thunder Weak : Earth Drop/Steal Drop/Steal Drop/Steal Drop/Steal...

The Royal Palace Of Rabanastre

Save Crystal is just right behind you. Hit the golden statue/urn for the map. Start from now, DON'T touch that treasure chest on the right, one of the two chests there hiding an Elixir, do not open it if you want 'Strongest Halberd/ Zodiac Spear' weapon easily later of the game. For more details about this weapon, read the "11. Weapons" section....

Garamsythe Waterway

Dire Rat Ichthon Steeling Lv : 1-4 Lv : 3-4 Lv : 2-3 HP : 62-112 HP : 130-141 HP : 94-110 Weak : Water Weak : Thunder Weak : Earth Drop/Steal Drop/Steal Drop/Steal - Antidote - Eye Drops - Antidote - Fire Stone ...


Penelo will leave the party before you entering Dalan's Place. You will obtain a key item, the Crescent Stone after speaking with Dalan. Now move to the Northern area which is the Storehouse 5. Remember the chest in front of Dalan's Place is the chest that you're NOT supposed to open, or else you'll lose an easy chance to obtain one of the strongest...

Royal City Of Rabanastre

Use the circle wall gate to Downtown/Lowt...

Giza Plains

Giza Rabbit Hyena Slaven Urstrix Lv : 1-2 Lv : 2-3 Lv : 4-5 Lv : 3-4 HP : 70-105 HP : 95-115 HP : 280-302 HP : 170-190 Weak : Fire Weak : Water Weak : Wind Weak : Wind Drop/Steal Drop/Steal Drop/Steal Drop/Steal...


Reach to Southern area here, enter Old Dalan's Place near the water way. Don'topen the treasure chest in front of this room, it has some connections with a weapon called 'Strongest Halberd' which you can obtain it later. More details about this weapon, read the "Weapons" section, it's call Zodiac Spear on the US version. After the scene with Dalan,...

Royal City Of Rabanastre

Back to Rabanastre Eastgate and talk to the Kytes. After the scene, you came to North End, just go forward until the Stairwell to Downtown (named Lowtown for American version) at East and enter. Before that, you can find your Tomaj in The Sandsea for reward, but you could find him later, he will still give you the rewar...

Dalmasca Estersand

Cactoid WildSaurian Wolf Lv : 1-4 Lv : 29-34 Lv : 2-9 HP : 72-224 HP : 6001-6551 HP : 94-155 Weak : Wind Weak : Wind Weak : Earth Drop/Steal Drop/Steal Drop/Steal...

Royal City Of Rabanastre

Dire Rat Lv : 1 HP : 60The "Equip" is added in the Party Menu, but so far you don't have otherequipment to change to. Starting out in the pool, you have to defeat allrats around to trigger an event. Afterwards, "World Map" is added in theParty Menu, and you will come to the street. From current section, go toSouth-East area for an event. Next head...