Early Leveling Via Dustia Method

Earn some more gil and buy a bunch of Phoenix Downs from either Nalbina or  Migelo's in Rabanastre (if you've done the Sunstone quest) to prepare for some serious leveling. Once you have a good stash, head over to the Westersand and  beat yourself up until your HP drops below 10%. Once you're there, go to the Corridor of Sand.Dustia, a rare...

Gladius (For Early Leveling)

Stats: +45 dagger, Windstrike Method: Steal from Lindbur Wolf - Dalmasca Westersand, Shimmering HorizonsChain more than 20 Wolves in the Westersand and head to Shimmering Horizons.  Lindbur Wolf will be here with a few lackeys. Equip the Leather Shield.  Repeatedly cast Blind on the Lindbur Wolf until it connects. It should almost never be...

The Wyrmhero Blade (The Best Sword)

The 'best' sword in the game, but more of a slower, more powerful Excalibur.This is pretty much a trophy and won't be used much if you get it, since it hasthe slowest attack rate of anything in the game. Anyway, it is:Sword (2H)                     Element:...

The Masamune (Strongest Katana in the Game)

The Masamune is the best Samurai Katana you can get in the game. It is really goodand in addition to crazy damage, it has a 40% combo rate! And 70% if you use itspartner, the Genji Gloves! So, the Masamune is:Katana (2H)            Element: noneAttack: 93               Combo...

Sky Pirate's Den Characters

------------------Main Character------------------=================================================| Character | Requirement |=================================================| Vaan - Steal 50 times from enemies || Penelo - Obtained gil reach to 100,000 || Ashe - Average party level over 50 || Balthier...

Rare Monster 71-80

Rare Monster No. 71/80Name : Drowned (354)HP : 22066EX : 816LP : 11Weak : HolyDrops : Scathe Mote, Foul FleshSteal : Forbidden FleshOriginal : GhoulRare Rank : *****Location : Garamsythe Waterway/ No. 4 Cloaca SpurAppearance : 5% chance to appear for each 15 second after five minutes staying here. Need to close No. 4 and 11 waterway...

Rare Monster 60-70

Rare Monster No. 61/70Name : Dustia (334)HP : 7272EX : 337LP : 3Weak : HolyDrops : Flame Staff, Book of OrgainSteal : Book of Orgain-MillePoach : Capricorn GemOriginal : OversoulRare Rank : ***Location : Dalmasca Westersand/ Corridor of SandAppearance : North section before the Dragon's Lair/Wyrm Next. It will show up when anyone of...

Rare Monster 51-60

Rare Monster No. 51/60Name : Matriarch Bomb (314)HP : 12500EX : 565LP : 7Weak : WaterDrops : Bomb Ashes, Bomb ShellSteal : Scorpio GemPoach : Bomb FragmentOriginal : Mom GrenadeRare Rank : *****Location : Stilshrine of Miriam/ Cold DistanceAppearance : In Ward of the Sword-King which is the | | corridor at West from Save...

Rare monster 41-50

Rare Monster No. 41/50Name : Aerieel (294)HP : 3015EX : 126LP : 3Weak : HolyDrops : Golden Armor, Bat FangSteal : Bat WingPoach : Taurus GemOriginal : VampyrRare Rank : *****Location : Lhusu Mines/ Ottam SpanAppearance : It has 20% chance to appear in the second section from Bhujerba.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rare...

Rare Monster 31-40

Rare Monster No. 31/40Name : Gemhorn (353)HP : 43121EX : 1408LP : 12Weak : WindDrops : Tanned Hide, GreataxeSteal : Slaven HarnessOriginal : Slaven WilderRare Rank : **Location : Lhusu Mines/ Site 11Appearance : Kill all enemies including the treasured monster, exit and re-enter.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rare...

Rare Monster 21-30

Rare Monster No. 21/30Name : Glaring Eye (333)HP : 175375EX : 4477LP : 18Weak : HolyDrops : Sweet, Glass JewelSteal : AmbrosiaOriginal : NecrophobeRare Rank : *****Location : Henne Mines/ Crossover C & Phase 2 ShaftAppearance : Crossover C, around East of this section. Appear after killing more than three Hecteyes there. Or try the...

Rare Monster 11-20

Rare Monster No. 11/20Name : Spee (313)HP : 14835EX : 459LP : 9Weak : WaterDrops : Blood Wool, Drab WoolSteal : StardustPoach : ClaymoreOriginal : MuRare Rank : *****Location : Salikawood/ Sun-dapped PathAppearance : Kill all Fortune Rabbit/Wyrdhare at South-West section, then go to the dead end and to search it.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rare...

Rare Monster 01-10

Rare Monster No. 01/10Name : Aspidochelon (293)HP : 63540EX : 1846LP : 11Weak : WindDrops : Engage Solid/Adamantine TrophySteal : ScarletiteOriginal : AdamantitanRare Rank : *****Location : Cerobi Steppe/ Feddik RiverAppearance : At the three splited area, 40% chance to replace anyone of the Adamantitan.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rare...

Zodiac/Elidibus - The King Of Commandment

Mist Lv : 3LP Cost : 200Zodiac : SerpentariusElement : DarkLocation : Henne Mines#Limit Break - Last Eclipse .--------- Esper Stats ---------.--- Lv to challenge ---. | Lv: 66 Atk: 201                       |...

Zeromus - Convicted Tyrant

Mist Lv : 2LP Cost : 50Zodiac : CancerElement : GravityLocation : The Stilshrine Of Miriam#Limit Break - Big Bang .--------- Esper Stats ---------.--- Lv to challenge ---. | Lv: 51 Atk: 103                      |...

Zalera - the Death Seraph

Mist Lv : 1LP Cost : 25Zodiac : GeminiElement : DeathLocation : Barheim Passage#Limit Break - Condemation .--------- Esper Stats ---------.--- Lv to challenge ---. | Lv: 40 Atk: 62                         |...

Ultima - the High Seraph

Mist Lv : 3LP Cost : 90Zodiac : VirgoElement : HolyLocation : Crystal Grande/The Great Crystal#Limit Break - Perfect Ultima/Eschaton .--------- Esper Stats ---------.--- Lv to challenge ---. | Lv: 63 Atk: 147                         |...

Queklain/Cuchulainn - the Impure

Mist Lv : 2LP Cost : 50Zodiac : ScorpioElement : PoisonLocation : Garamsythe Waterway#Limit Break - Blight .--------- Esper Stats ---------.--- Lv to challenge ---. | Lv: 45 Atk: 83                         |...

Fishing Mini-Game

The main objective to play this Mini-Game is Lu Shang's Badge, which is named Taikou/Lu Shang's Badge on the Japanese version. It's one of the three treasures for Wyrmhero Blade (US)/Tolo Sword (JP) trading.<>After you get the Barheim Key (side quest above), and the story reached...


BOSS : PhoenixHP : around 150,000Return to Pharos At Ridorana, take the elevator in main hall to bottom level. Subterra-Origin In Darkness, B1F, but shown as 77F. To go next bottom level, you must collect enough Black Pearls to fill in the Altars in each corner. Before that, enter to North-East corner section at B1F (Penumbra), there is a fake wall...

Ridorana - Subterra


God or Devil

ShadowseerLv : 67                            Location :Pharos at Ridorana,Bottom floor in Subterra known as 'Unknown'.HP : 278078  Weak : Holy                   Possible...

Crystal Grande - Upper Layer
