Chaos - Walker of the Wheel

Mist Lv : 3
LP Cost : 90
Zodiac : Taurus
Element : Multi
Location : Necrohol Of Nabudis

Before you can fight Chaos, you have to go through some little quests and get the apppointed keys. First of all, go Nabreus Deadlands to trigger the scene with Ma'Kleou. Afterwards, you need to obtain three fragments, below is the way for them:

- Clear Wraith (rank E), White Mousse and Orthros (rank A) Mob Hunt missions.
- Return to your client for rewards with the first fragment from Orthros mission, Blackened Fragment.

With Sluice Gate Key which get from the reward of White Mousse hunting mission, back to Garamsythe Waterway, so that you can control the panel. In the central control section, you can see some spheres there which are the panel of 3rd, 4th, 10th and 11th area waterway. To not be confused, light off all panel for first, then follow the steps below:
- On No.11 Area Panel. (thats mean light up the panel)
- On No.4 Area Panel.
- Off No.11 Area Panel.
- On No.3 Area Panel.
- Off No.4 Area Panel.
- Now go around South in the same area and find the shiny object on the ground which is another fragment that you need, Dull Fragment. NOT in the South section, it's still the semi-circle!

If it's any wrong step you did, just light off all panel and start again.

- In Rabanastre Downtown/Lowtown, head to Old Dalan's Place at South, talk to Roh'Kenmou near Dalan.
- Still in Downtown/Lowtown, around South-East area, talk to Filo.
- Go Rabanastre central section where known as Southern Plaza, talk to the Curious Women who's looking at the fountain.
- Now go Bazaar section and speak with all merchants there and ask about the Necklace things until you get the answer.
- Head to Magic shop and talk to the Sotted Imperial, the only soldier sitting in the left corner, choose first option twice.
- Back down to Downtown/Lowtown and talk to Filo, choose lets go with Filo to return to Magic Shop for some events, you will get one more fragment after the scene, Grimmy Fragment.

Before leaving for the next quest, back to Old Dalan's Palce in Downtown/Lowtown, pass all three fragments that you get to Roh'Kenmou, and he would disappear.

- Since you had already met with Ma'Kleou, now go to The Imperial City Of Archades.
- Within the Magic Shop, talk to Roh'Kenmu.
- Move on to Old Archades West section, talk to Otto at the corner for the Moonsilver Medallion.
- Return to Imperial City Of Archades, pass the Moonsilver Medallion to Roh'Kenmu in Magic Shop.

After the quests above, you're getting closer to the esper. Now,
- Go to Nabreus Deadlands and talk to Ma'Kleou.
- Head to North-West section. Like you hunt Roblon (rank S), you have to go through the hidden path. Just go South from the Gate Crystal, following section search the North-West area for the path.
- Go until you see something like monument to get Medallion Of Bravery, Love and lately obtain the Lusterless Medallion.

Now move to Necrohol Of Nabudis, central West area, use Medallion Of Bravery to open the Door Of Horrors, defeat Humbaba Boss/Mistant optional boss. Head to North-East area, use the Medallion Of Love to open the Door Of Loathing and defeat Fury optional boss. Now the Lusterless Medallion become Mighty. Go to the central section, use the Medallion Of Might to open the Door of Despair and battle with this esper.

Use Fury and Humbaba Boss/Mistant as your tests before the fight, if you couldn't handle these battles well, go train some more before fighting Chaos. Attack command was sealed, the worst thing. Prepare your Gambit system focus onto magic and skill uses, Telekinesis (Distance Attack for JP version) skill/ technick is recommended to replace your normal attack, you can buy it from the secret shop there (Nabudis) after Giruvegan event. As for magic, of cause the stronger is better, strongest Black Magic is Scathe (Collapse for JP version) which sell in the secret shop as well, buy it after Pharos at Ridorana if you need it.

Cast support spell on your party, and recast them for the entire battle when they're gone, do remember Faith is to raise up the magic power. And needless to say, Dispel Chaos whenever he has support spells. Take down the 4 elemental Chaos jets before focus on Chaos. Chaos attacks are pretty stronge, recommend equip shield for this battle since you don't use any weapon attacks, unless you're using Telekinesis, so you need stronger weapons to boost up the damage
to Chaos, if you're not using the Telekinesis technick style, just use the shields. Chaos can you Silence, and magics are the main attack for now, you must prepare Gambit to cure Silence all the time. Because of Chaos can absorb the elemental spells, remember just use the non-element spells to damage him. If you have lot of gil, use Gil Toss isn't a bad idea. Beside, you can also
send him Slow and Sap.

| Elemental Effects |
| Fire = Immune          | Water = Immune |
| Thunder = Immune | Ice = Immune |
| Wind = Absorb          | Earth = Weak |
| Holy = Immune         | Dark = Immune |